My Novel Reviews

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This novel told about a journalist his name is Martin Yorke. One day, he went to Kenya. There he met someone his name is Brahim. He was first his friend whom he met in Kenya. From him, martin got much information about Kenya, including about a grandmother who sells her grandchild’s body to men. She was Mrs. Clarke. She has a grandchild named Linda. So, martin is interesting about their live because he wanted to write their live to be his article and help her from her problem. Then, he came to Mrs. Clarke to ask Linda,but he didn’t give his  real name. In addition, he asked her to tell how her grandmother did it. She said that because her grandmother didn’t have much money to buy drugs she has become addict of it. Next, she told about her boyfriend who worked in her flat become a servant. He was an Africa and her grandmother disliked it, so their relationship was broken. After she told him about her live, he loved her and they become a couple. Some weeks later, her first boyfriend named Kesi came again. He asked linda to help him because she can’t help him,so she asked Martin to help Kesi. Martin gave him some money to back to his family but, he didn’t want to go back. He wanted to stay at Martin’s apartment and martin didn’t allow him. In addition, Martin forced him to go back the way, kesi got an accident and he was dead. after a few months, Linda’s grandmother kenw Martin’s real name. Then, she was angry because he was a journalist and she didn’t want that Martin become Linda’s boyfriend. Mrs. Clarke asked him to go far away from them and he did it. So, their relationship was broken by time and destination.  

Change of hearts
By Linda A. Cooney

The kind of this novel is romance novel. The story of this novel is enough good because the beginning of story makes someone confident to do something. But, sometimes I found some old vocabularies that make me confused and bored. This novel is told about woman who changes her hearts to another man in short time when her boyfriend went to Princtone.
Many characters include in this story, but there are three main characters in this story. The first is Phoebe Hall. She was pretty woman but she didn’t have confident to be a great woman. The second is Brad. He was Phoebe’s boyfriend. He was handsome and smart. And the third is Griffin Neils. He was falling in love with Phoebe although he knew that she had a boyfriend.
Brad is the best character for me because he never gives up being success in his life and he cared to his girlfriend even though he has long distant with her, he always keeps his heart to be faithful man. In contrast, I dislike with Phoebe because she was hurt Brad whereas she knew that Brad very cared with her. The most interesting part for me is when Phoebe didn’t have confident to be good singer, Brad always support her to try it and convinces her that she could do it. It was good suggestion for people who didn’t have confident to be success.
The value from this novel is confident to be success.

Title: Forbidden City
Author: Anthony Esler
Publisher: Random House Publishing Group
No of pages: 319 pages
When I was at bookstore with my friend, she suggested me to read this novel.  She said that it was romance novel because of its cover and I could read it quickly. Then, I bought it and read it. After I read it, I felt confused because it was complicated story.
            The most character that I hate is Elizabeth because she was unfaithful woman and didn’t care to her boy friend, Dr. Chen Li. When both of them were separated and trapped in dangerous situations, there was an attentive American soldier. He helped her from dangerous situations. She was falling in love with him, and then she left Dr. Chen Li in dangerous situations. Actually, if she was a faithful and cared to her boy friend, she would help him to out from those situations but, she didn’t do it.
            The best part in this novel is when Chinese came together to rescue their country from western country who would take their wealth and change their culture. They did it hardly. So, they could trap western country and make them to be down and out.
From this novel, I can learn about togetherness. It can solve our problem easier than alone. Besides, it can make us stronger than before to defend our country when there is a colonialist is coming here to carry of our wealth. United we stand, divided we fall.

Singing bird
Author: Roisin  McAuley
Publisher: HaperCollins
No of pages: 312 pages

This story is about a mother ,her name is Lena Molloy. She adopted a daughter from a nun named sister Monica. So, she and her husband,Jack gave the name of that baby by Frances Mary Dervla Mollloy. They callad her Mary. Day by day, she was grew up and she was become beautiful girl who has good voice in singing. She was a good singer.besides, Lena felt sad because until Mary was be a famous singer, she didn’t know who Mary’s real parents were. Then, she tried to get information about it. She went to Ireland with her bestfriend Alma. She went there, because she adopted Mary from Ireland. She did it because she was adopted too, but she knew her real parents after they were dead and she didn’t want Mary’s live same with what she felt.then, she called her husband to say that she would go to  Ireland whom was in his business.actually, he discourages her curiosity and lena said “You have no idea what it feels like not to know your origins. It has nothing to do with ingratitude, or selfishness”. she would meet Sister Monica but she refused it. So, she asked another nun who has worked there for long time and she got it.She knew that Mary’s father was Jack that his husband and her mother was Patsy Malone. She was a singer as Mary.after Lena knew it, she was jealous and she didn’t want to back home. Then, Mary  and his husband asked her to go back  because  they loved her. Finally, Mary still wanted to live with  Lena because she have care and love her since she was a baby.

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